Syoichi’s Weblog

The causes of traffic accidents in Japan.
July 3, 2008, 1:53 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

For a long time, people are involved in a traffic accident and it accounts for a high rate of dying. Accoding to the survey of the National Police Agency, 1,190,000 people had died caused by traffic accident in 2005. The reasons of this problem can devide 3 causes, and it is easy to follow the rules. If we care those rules, we can save our life.

One big reasons of the traffic accidents is due to taking their eyes off the road while driving. For example, they are talking with someone and into it and crash. In addition, there is a problem of our recent bad habit. People tend to use cellular phone while driving. The law prohibits using it while driving because it leads accidents. In fact, since the law have entacted, the amount of traffc accidents decreased in half. Eventhough people knows the risk of it, lots of them still don’t observe it. Especially, young driver’s consciousness is low, and that is why traffic accident is increasing lately.

Traffic accidentscan happen because of rushing out without seeing. This is noticeable tendency among children and old people. For this reason, there are lots of fatal accidents among them. I think they don’t have enough realization of prediction to danger. To avoid it, the communities around them try to go out the street, and watch them. Therefore, their family can relief from the accidents, and it is also important to teach them about road safety rules, through the communication with their communities. We always have to care about dangerous prospect in a street.

Finally, I must say the risk of drunk driving. I often watch this problem in a news recently, and many absurd driver killed lots of irreplaceble life. We must not forgive this crime and we have to face this matter. Drunk driver tend to think it is easy to drive and trust themselves too much. Due to their thoughtless act, lots of people pay for it. As a result of this problem, bars and restaurants put a ban on drinking to drivers. Since it is gradually spreading the risk of it, many drivers obey the rule.

It seems that anyone can observe these cares easily. I think traffic accidents may be decreasing if we just keep on having little cares and considerations.

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