Syoichi’s Weblog

Global Warming
June 3, 2008, 3:48 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

It’s getting concern about Global warming. Everywhere I go, I can see the problem of present environment. We have to think about it urgently.  And these serious matters has changed people’s consciousness little by little.  There are 3 big changes.

 First, people make more effort to recycle garbge. It has become strict on classifying the garbage. By classifying the garbage, we can recycle lots of garbage, and it it also easy to process. Any home should classify the garbage into many categories. For example, cans, bottle and glass, PET bottle,and other burnable trash. There are different rule s depend on the area. It’s a troublesome job, but good for us and the earth.

Then, people tend to reuse material instead of only one-time use. It is aim for reducing the garbage. Lately people have own chopsticks, cup, spoon and my own shopping bag. There are lots of people who take them anywhere they go and refuse one-time use. It has become popular now. Fortunately, people seems to think it’s cool to do. We can see young people who has “eco bag” for shopping, and there’s lots of fashionable bags at the shop. We can feel it’s easy to start ecology life.

Third, People are concerning about reducing energy.  As one of the solutions,”cool biz” spread between business person. We can see lots of no tie style business person in summer. It is aim for rising temperature of air conditioner and reduce the energy.  I think this is great idea and I also try to spend without an air conditioner.

 Recently, we can see lots of ecological products. Every company states that “This is an ecological product as the strong point. There’s no way to live without ecology for companies.  I can tell “ecology” is a most important keyword for us from now.  It’s kind of competition and good trend for the earth. It’s getting rising consciousness of global warming year after year. We have to wrestle with this important problem, and we can change little by little.

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